Put simply, investing is about buying things that will put money back in your pocket.
The notion that spending money can make you money is an exciting idea, but the tricky part is knowing where to invest your money to get the most money back.
Our team at Kiwi Life Assurance can help you get started, by considering the following investment factors:
Time frame - how long do you want to invest for?
Returns - do you want income or growth?
Liquidity - do you need to be able to get your money quickly?
Risk - how much risk are you comfortable with?
From there we can recommend putting your money into some of the main investment types:
- Term deposits
- Shares
- Property
- Managed fund
Talk to us today to discuss getting started in the exciting world of investments.
KiwiSaver is the NZ government’s voluntary retirement savings programme. If you’re employed you can contribute 3%, 4% or 8% of your before-tax income, and your employer has to contribute as well.
The only difficult part of KiwiSaver is choosing a provider (these are the banks and investment companies who hold your money and invest it so it grows over time). At Kiwi Life Assurance, we can work with you and help you sort through your options to ensure you choose the right provider for you.
If you’ve already been contributing to KiwiSaver and want to use your savings to put towards your first house, we can help you with that too.
Call us to discuss KiwiSaver and other investments today.